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Clive Parry
England Director, The Association for Real Change

The Organisational Consciousness Development Programme contained a tremendous amount of information – my brain was fizzing by the end! The scientific theoretical underpinning builds a strong coherent picture, which is relevant to all organisations. In fact, it’s difficult to imagine anyone for whom the learning here is not relevant – it speaks to all of us, how we all interact and can live our lives more effectively, in both professional and personal arenas. I can see how organisations embracing these concepts will be hugely benefitted. 


Much of the highly creative nature of the programme derives from the way different, apparently unconnected disciplines, theory and practice are woven together to create the coherence referenced in the text below.


I would argue that this is not, in fact, a training course as such but is rather an experiential re-reprogramming of many of the ways we think about and understand the reasons for the dysfunctionality that many and perhaps all organisations are affected by at some point.


The ideas and conceptual models invite delegates to reframe completely their understanding of the reasons people and organisations behave in the way that they do, approaching in a fresh and stimulating way how delegates think about and relate personally to the cultural drivers of behaviour.


The programme will be especially beneficial to those who can bring with them openness and a willingness to revise their understanding of what we think of as accepted and fundamental norms as well as curiosity and a sense of fun about how the learning process can work in a truly systemic way, reaching and exploring previously hidden aspects of knowledge and understanding.


A programme as far-reaching as this demands to be expertly facilitated which, fortunately, is precisely how it is delivered.

Paul Prince
Lead Scrum Master and Agile Coach, Northrop Grumman

I have really enjoyed Systemic Creative's Organisational Consciousness Programme over the last 2 days. Even though I am well versed in agile processes, mindsets and developing self-organising teams, I still learnt so much about Systemic Analysis, Leadership, Teamship and most importantly Listenership. My biggest takeaways from the training include a better understanding of the difference between leadership and management; the importance of listening, and the surprising use of a team game used to synchronise teams. Andrew Smalley is a very clever person who brings psychology, physics, biology, chemistry, sociology and of course his experience into an organisational context. I would recommend this course.

Zoe Pearce
Director of School Improvement, Champion Education Trust

How and where else can you effectively unpick the mutual growing of culture in an intellectually stimulating, practical and inspiring way? This was amazing! I feel truly humbled by this provision of meaningful, fun training which is memorable and will catalyse significant change in my work.

The ideas and strategies discussed on the programme promoted deep reflection on a personal level which will definitely impact on my role leading others at both a whole organisation level and a 1:1 level. Everyone in the organisation would benefit from the understanding created and shared here.

This was a genuinely refreshing insight into organisational innovation and leading with heart. Embracing the 'human' element of leadership alongside analytical, practical strategies and structures feels incredibly transferrable to any organisation.

[Zoe attended the Conscious Organisation Development Programme]

Nicola Youens
Head of Service Delivery, The Advocacy Project

The Conscious Organisation Programme was definitely one of best courses I have been on, giving me a different perspective in which to consider how our organisation can develop. The analogy with living systems and staying focussed on the need to influence not control an organisation was powerful. It enabled me to ask the right questions about our organisation to help facilitate deepening our awareness and understanding. It enabled me to think totally differently about leadership in a way I had never considered before and really made sense. It enabled me to consider the common traps many organisations fall into that paralyse their development or lead organisations down a path they hadn’t intended. The reflection on what the workforce need in terms of listenership and how to maximise the potential of your staff will stick with me as I support our Senior Management Team to develop our organisation. Andrew has a way of taking you on a journey and each quote, exercise and learning point adds to the learning experience – words can’t quite describe how he does it.  I would highly recommend this course if you are truly committed to reflecting and developing your organisation in the long term.

Dr. Noreen O'Sullivan
Liverpool Hope University

Andrew ran a lecture-style session for our students. The students learned so much from his ability to contextualise policy-based language in such a way that kept the needs of the client at the centre.  His genuine approach, coupled with the numerous examples he could draw on in enabling students to reason through the dilemmas, kept the students fully interested beyond the session - in fact, they immediately wanted to arrange for him to come back, which speaks volumes.

Shazia Qureshi
Adult Employment Services Manager, Bradford District Council

Andrew delivered a bespoke team development day for us, which was excellent. All aspects of the day were well addressed, interesting and thought-provoking, producing a good understanding of operational dynamics and how to address related issues. The discussion around culture was especially interesting, and the games helped to frame the ideas perfectly.

Ali Insel
Managing Director, Little Barista

We've worked with Systemic Creative since July 2017. Initially, we contracted Andrew to provide us assistance in developing our operational systems and strategy. Quickly, he became an indispensable part of our running of the company and we continue to work with him on our team development, strategy, policies and procedures, most recently in getting the business ready to expand.

We had our whole management team attend a Systemic Creative training course, which was absolutely fantastic – I can’t recommend enough. They all came away excited and learned a lot. He will be delivering some training for our whole staff team soon and some 1:1 mentoring.

Joanne Moore
CEO, Accommodation Concern Kettering

This is training you don’t realise you need until you have it! Some of the concepts were completely new to me but really helped to shed light on some of the underlying reasons for problems we experience and the tools to solve them. In particular, I had a real lightbulb moment, where I could see that something I had thought for months as a ‘problem’ was actually a leverage point. Having changed my approach to this in line with what I learned on the programme, things have already changed dramatically within the organisation, which is a huge outcome.

We work in partnership with lots of different people and with lots of different organisations, so good communication and understanding of different systems and cultures is essential. This course is all about those things but looking at them from a unique perspective which is very powerful. It makes them much clearer and helps you to see how they all fit together as a living system. I think going forward this will radicalise the way we work.

I had a great couple of days and feel I’ve gained confidence from this course to make more positive changes and got a lot of food for thought as to how we can continue to grow.

[Joanne attended the 2 day Conscious Organisation Development Programme]

Daniel Clough
ESOL Teacher

A very original and innovative course. Andrew taught and guided us through new concepts with an engaging and multi-faceted approach to teaching.
The course content was both brilliant and fascinating, furthermore there is a substantial amount of it that can be immediately applied to my working practices and personal life. New approaches to how I work and listen to others will greatly improve the quality of my teaching.
Andrew has great depth and breadth of professional and personal experience, but what makes this course so special is that he embodies the same concepts he teaches. I can't recommend the course enough! Everyone can benefit from it. 
I'll be using Systemic Creative mentoring services for future projects.

[Daniel undertook Organisational Consciousness with Listenership Mentoring].

Tom Cardwell
Chair, Cruinniú hÉireannaigh Learpholl CIC

We (Cruinniú hÉireannaigh Learpholl) are a newly formed Community Interest Company in Liverpool.  Except for myself, the Chair, our remaining committee members have had limited experience of the business world, so we were in real need of a course that could provide us with a strategic framework in which to grow our CIC with a greater awareness of details and processes we should be paying attention to, and indeed pitfalls to avoid.  Thankfully Systemic Creative’s one-day Strategic Course was exactly what we needed. 

The content we developed from the day will be useful in informing our business plan, in convincing investors that we do have a good understanding of our potential in relation to contextual variables and limitations, and in acting as a set of criteria against which we can consciously access our progression.  We are extremely grateful.

Sara Kedge
Employment Coach and Lecturer in Business, Oxford Brookes University

I love learning about scientific ideas and concepts related to business and using them to think outside the box. This course did not disappoint! The theories discussed are fascinating in their own right and Andrew goes into a lot of depth in order to explain why they are meaningful and relevant to organisations. This has provoked a lot of thought about how I do things and about how companies in general do things and about how we could all do them better. I was also able to draw illuminating parallels with existing management, leadership and economic theory which meant I was then able to expand my thinking around my existing knowledge base, which was immensely useful. Thank you for a great couple of days!

Holly Pyke
Community Engagement Coordinator, University of Birmingham

Innovative. Challenging. Inspired. The Conscious Organisation 2 day Programme took me on a radical journey of professional reflection. By viewing our organisations as living organisms, the course explained how we can better identify our specific needs, fragilities and opportunities for growth.


The first half of the first day was heavily based in theory so I would recommend that for anyone not entirely comfortable with theoretical learning to not over think it and just go with the process. By the end of day one you may feel you have learnt some interesting points but that you can’t necessarily put this learning into words. Rest assured that by the end of the second day you will not only be able to effectively communicate all the key learning points of this course but you will also be in a position to translate them in terms of your own organisational development and progression.


This course explores different organisational paradigms and systemic approaches which I found very useful and easy to relate to every organisation I have worked for. I found the approaches to leadership, listenership and teamship to be both compelling and subversive. These approaches turned conventional thinking upside-down and invited fresh perspectives on how to respond to seemingly negative behaviours from others in order to effect positive change. I also felt I developed a greater understanding of how genuine and authentic communication throughout a team or organisation creates space for innovation.


At the end of this course I was left with improved confidence in my own strategic and operational management skills, but more importantly with a greater understanding and appreciation of the skills and abilities of my colleagues at all levels of our organisation. The insight I gained from this course not only enhanced my confidence as a manager but also improved my ability to act as a productive and supportive team member.


A range of teaching techniques were employed to engage a variety of learning styles meaning that after a theoretical start to the course things soon became much more dynamic, tactile and fun. This, coupled with Andrew’s nurturing approach when introducing us to these new, sometimes challenging concepts, enabled a truly enriching learning experience.

Sarah Wiltshire
Director, Settle Community and Business Hub

Some of the content of the course was new to me and gave a very thought provoking insight into the science behind how organisations work and with that knowledge, how they can be developed. The systems-led solutions to problems was a particular idea that I will be aware of from now on.

Andrew is an excellent trainer involving participants very well and producing some very innovative ideas as to how we can think about and develop our organisations.

Sam Jones
Director of Operations, VoiceAbility Advocacy

The speed and care with which Andrew completed the project was beyond our expectations. The final report was broad in scope, thoroughly considered and entirely sufficient for us to reach confident conclusions on the way to proceed.

Techla Wood
The Sensory Coach

I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course, but I especially enjoyed the 3d molecular modelling of organisations - it was an inspired use of ‘chemistry lego’ that appealed to my sensory focused mind! I also found the section about listenership to be particularly useful.

Andrew delivers thoughtful, and thought provoking material that offers benefits to a broad range of situations: from the boardroom to the family dining table, Systemic Creative shares concepts that, if applied, have the capacity to change the world.

Aron Rickaby
Supply Chain Projects Manager, Hallmark Cards PLC (UK)

The [Conscious Organisation One Day] course was excellent, thought provoking and original. I think this would be useful and applicable for pretty much any business, regardless of size.

Sally Featon and Kate McCallum
Directors, Sign Out Loud Ltd

Andrew’s strategy work with us has really helped us to get our focus on what we really want for the business going forward and what it is that really matters and motivates us. Andrew listened very carefully to all our ideas, put them into a logical and understandable form with his own suggestions, and together we created a solid and exciting action plan to take us forward. Thank you!

Jonathan Kerr
Chief Officer, Age UK North Craven

I found the [The Conscious Organisation] course really helpful, thank you. In particular the discussion about meaning being key to organisations as living systems. This is really relevant for us as an organisation with over 200 volunteers – engaging people in a positive way and helping them contribute effectively is an ongoing challenge. This course will help me think about the issues we experience in a new way, which I think will be productive in terms of the actions we can take.

Kirti Patel
Business Engagement Services Manager, Bradford District Council

The Systemic Creative team development day was wonderful, with engaging and thought-provoking sessions and fabulous games. I believe these sessions will create a strong, positive and influential change within any organisation if the information is taken on board and implemented. Thank you!

Andrew Wraight
Account Manager, Daisy Communications Group

A fantastic course that brings together elements of science and psychology in a way that is both relevant and engaging. Thought provoking yet practical, the applications extend far beyond the realm of work and provide useful tools for effective communication and collaboration. I now feel better equipped to practice the art of Listenership over merely hearing.

Genevieve Adkin
Director of Public Engagement, University of Birmingham

I would definitely recommend Systemic Creative's Listenership training course. It is very creative, yet focussed and with lots of underpinning theory. The ideas and activities are both fascinating and highly relevant to the workplace.

Heath Stockburn
Assistant Pastor, Hurstwood Church

A great day of very thought provoking content that i found both enriching and challenging.  I think the subject matter is bigger than just business yet still pertinent. It covers necessary paradigms to business and life. It was a veritable feast of delights.

Keely Briercliffe
Office Manager for the MP for Rochdale

The course was very different from anything I've done before - the scientific aspects seemed a little overwhelming at first but really made sense as we moved through the course. Anyone who feels they're struggling, just stick with it - it's worth it! It's a really useful way of looking at an organisation.

I will continue to reflect on this different view of Leadership - it's going to be very helpful in navigating this topic in the political arena, where leadership is a complicated issue. Along with the listenership ideas, I will be able to use this to help me manage our team and our office more effectively. It also all relates to normal life and organising ourselves more effectively!

I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot, and the activities were brilliant - they tie everything together.

[Keely attended an online Conscious Organisation Development Programme with separate activity day.]

Alison White
Director, Advent de Moi Ltd

This course confirmed that it's time to grow a different future for both my personal life and business, which is very life affirming since my instinct suggested this. The course introduces versatile systems and methodologies that can be applied at personal, business, organisational and societal level. It felt truly cutting-edge in terms of shaping a business and giving it the best chance to flourish. A lot of what is taught about organisations by other providers feels outdated and pot luck - but not here! I would most definitely recommend this course!

[Alison attended the two day Conscious Organisation Development Programme]

Nicola Bulcock
Owner and Therapist, Back 2 Normal Clinic, Burnley

I'd definitely recommend this course. It gives insight into many different areas - the mixture of biology, physics, psychology and management was pretty intense on the first morning, but got easier and made sense as we continued! I really enjoyed the activities and the structure of the class was great. In particular, the Listenership module will help me to bring useful changes to my work.

[Nicola attended the two day Conscious Organisation Development Programme]

Simon Newling-Ward
Service Manager, Nottingham City Youth Justice Service

I would absolutely recommend the Conscious Organisation Development Programme. It provided significant and useful challenges to previous leadership and management training courses I've attended and I really enjoyed that it challenged me academically as well as professionally and operationally - it was way beyond my comfort zone (that's a good thing!). It was highly thought-provoking, especially the science elements, and the practical games really brought the theory to life. Going forward, I will be practising Listenership, especially in feedback and 1:1 sessions, and looking for and identifying systems archetypes in our organisation and operations.

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